
Domains must begin with a letter or a number and be between and characters in length

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Domain Price List

Register, renew and transfer your domain for very reasonable prices.

Professional Domain Services

Bring in additional features to your Domain Name and manage it according to your requirements

Your Credentials Are Safe

When your Domain Name is registered, your information is concealed; and you don’t lose any time with spam messages.

Free DNS Management

Manage your DNS operations online and free of charge by using your domain panel.

Domain Locking

Protect your Domain address right away by locking it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to your probable questions about our Domain services.

Your Domain is the identity of your website in the World of Internet. People get access to your website on the Internet by writing your Domain Address that is to say, the identity of your website. Therefore a Domain Address has to be short, simple, catchy and in harmony with the contents of the website.

Before registering a Domain Name (or a Domain Address), the availability of that Domain has to be checked. This process is called as a Domain Lookup. Domain Lookup process is done through Whois servers. To learn who had registered a Domain Name which was bought previously, please click on the link below and search your Domain Address by using it. But you may only view the info of the Domain owners that don’t have the Whois Privacy.

Domain registration and subscription operations are organized by ICANN and IANA corporations, headquarters of which are located abroad. The Domain System is organized in accordance with the international rules; and as it has some financial costs for its system to keep on operating, a Domain can’t be registered free of charge, unfortunately. The prices and rates of many Domain extensions do vary. These prices are set due to the policies and costs of the corporations that organize the Domain extensions. As CloudSpex, we forward the received Domain registration fees to those corporations. That’s why a Domain registration is a paid process.

A Domain registration can be described as a brand registration which is also done for a limited duration. When you register a Domain, that Domain is reserved and recorded under your name. Therefore, while registrating a Domain, you have to watch out and make sure that both the name and the e-mail address which will be written on Whois information belong to you.

Domain Whois Privacy Protection is used for the purpose of hiding your personal information (your e-mail address, telephone numbers and mailing address which you indicate while buying a Domain) from third parties. By Whois Privacy Protection, the personal and contact information of a Domain Owner can be kept secret when a lookup for a registered Domain is performed. Providing the Whois Privacy Protection of a Domain is quite important because it protects the Domain Owner from lots of spam mails and undesired situations.

Yes. The Domain purchase that is done by credit card is processed immediately, and it is forwarded to the Domain Registration Authority right away. Nevertheless, you may also check it by using the Whois Lookup on the customer panel as soon as the Domain is registered.

All of the extensions excluding .TR Domains (.com, .net, .org etc.) have the “first come first served” principal. But if you own a very special and important brand; and if a misuse, abuse or violation regarding the rights of your brand is in question and/or at stake, you can apply through WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and claim your rights juridically by bringing a lawsuit. Otherwise, a previously registered Domain can only be registered again in case it is unregistered and so that it is available for registration once again.

No, unfortunately. A Domain registration is processed by an international system, and your payment is immediately forwarded to this system right during your reservation. A Domain Name can’t be changed after it is registered, and a refund for it is definitely NOT possible. Therefore you have to check the typos very carefully, and correct and confirm them to be accurate right before registrating the Domain. This is a very important, invariable and non-negotiable fact.

Domain fees and prices are determined by the management of the referring Domain Extension. These domain authorities are the companies which operate under the ownership of the referring extensions. As an example, the Verisign Company manages the .com and .net domain extensions which are the most popular and widely used domain extensions in the World. In addition to the domain name management costs, an ICANN fee is also added to every single domain name that is purchased.

Domain is an indispensable service for a website to operate. The Domain System is developed in order for the visitors to view your website that is linked with a name, so that the Internet System works. If the Domain System did not exist, all of the websites would have to be visited by the IP addresses with numbers just like the telephone numbers. As that option was not a practical solution at all, the Domain System was developed. That’s why you must find a Domain Name first, and register it in case it is currently available for purchasing.

The name servers of our CloudSpex servers are as follows:,, and

The renewal procedures for the expired Domain Names vary due to the Domain Name Extensions. For example; for global extensions such as .com, .net or .org, you may renew the Domain for the same price within the following 36 days from its expiration date. For the same Domain Extensions, from the 36th day to the 66th day, the referring Domain is included in a penalty list and its renewal can be made by paying a very high penalty fee or fine. And for the following 5 days, your Domain gets into a deleting phase, and no action can be taken about it. After the deleting period, the Domain becomes globally available for everyone to buy. But this procedure is much more different for the Domains with .TR extensions. You may renew a Domain Name with the .TR extension within 90 days following the expiration date of that Domain. But if not done in 90 days, that Domain becomes available for everyone to buy.

Unfortunately, it is not allowed or possible for anybody to buy a Domain for an unlimited time. You may only purchase a Domain only for a limited time period, and renew it afterwards. Durations and expiration dates of the Domains vary in accordance with the Domain Extensions. For example, you may buy a Domain Name with a .com extension for 10 years maximum; whereas the maximum duration for a Domain Name with a extension is 5 years.