The Cheapest
SSL Certificates

Be at the top on Google and guarantee your security!

Quick Installation and 100% Browser Support
Powerful Encrypting Compatible With All Banks
Advantage of Rising on Google Rankings




      128/256 Bit

      1 Sub-domain

      Mobile Friendly




      128/256 Bit

      1 Sub-domain

      Mobile Friendly




      128/256 Bit

      Unlimited SD

      Mobile Friendly

You are safe with the SSL Certificate

You can encrypt your data, securely present safe services or products to your customers, and rise on the search engine rankings.

Let's Rise on the Google Rankings

Google prioritizes the HTTPS url based websites with the SSL Certificates amongst its search results, and lists/shows them on the upper/top spots of its ranking system.

Powerful Encrypting

The entire data traffic of your website is secured with powerful encrypting; so that any single one of the extremely important and delicate information such as membership, credit card etc. is prevented from being hacked by malevolent people or third parties.

Quick Installation and Setup

You won’t have to spend your precious time even with the long holding/waiting times needed for installations or setups. Because we already provide the websites we preserve within our CLOUDSPEX servers with automatical setups and installations.

Compatible with All Banks

Each single one of the SSL Certificates which you’ll prefer to purchase via our CLOUDSPEX website, is definitely 100% compatible with all of the banks and payment systems currently supplying Virtual POS Payment Services for their customers.

Package Comparison and Details

Comparative Features for you to choose the optimum SSL Certificate package which fits your requirements

Positive SSL Comodo SSL Positive SSL Wildcard EV SSL
Monthly Fee 0.22 $ Monthly 0.99 $ Monthly 1.44 $ Monthly 3.18 $ Monthly
Issuance 5 Minute 5 Minute 1-3 Day 1-7 Day
Document Requirement
Green Address Bar
Subdomain Support
Mobile Sync
SEO Support
Enterprise Validation
Technicial Specifications
Encryption 128/256 Bit 128/256 Bit 128/256 Bit 128/256 Bit
Free Reissuance
Browser compatibility %99.6 %99.6 %99.6 %99.6
Warranty Fee 10.000$+ 250.000$+ 10.000$+ 1.750.000$+
Monthly Fee 0.22 $ Monthly 0.99 $ Monthly 1.44 $ Monthly 3.18 $ Monthly
12 Month 2.65 $ 11.93 $ 17.23 $ 38.10 $
24 Month 7.95 $ 23.86 $ 34.46 $ 59.64 $
Order Now Order Now Order Now Order Now

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to your probable questions about our SSL Certificate services.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate is a digital certificate which verifies and confirms the identity of a website, and encrypts the data sent to a server that uses the SSL technology. And the term “encrypting” means the process of bringing the data all together in a format with an unhackable/unlockable password, and which can be converted into a readable form only by using the correct decryption key.

In case of carrying on a trading business on the Internet via a website, this certificate acts as an electronic “password” which specifies the information and data of the online trading corporation, company or institution owning/managing that referring website. When internet users try to send their private and confidential information to Web servers with purposes like online shopping etc; the internet browsers of the users gain/get access to the digital certificate of the related server, ensuring to establish secure connections with that website.

Standart SSL Certificate is the certificate variety which a person or a firm/institution can use by having its own Domain name approved/certified. The Standart SSL Certificates; which can be set up/installed only for your own Domain Name/Address; are not valid for your Subdomains. Any SSL Certificate Provider realizes its own checks and controls by specific verification methods, and creates the certificate accordingly. In comparison with the other kinds of certificates, Standart SSL Certificates are cheaper and they have lower insurance/underwriting values.

Each one of all Standart SSL Certificates are unexceptionally signed just to be verified/confirmed and used only by a single Domain. But the SSL Certificates with the Wildcard feature contain the whole of the Subdomains all at once. That is to say; if your website has more than one Subdomain and in case you’d like to use the SSL Certificates for every one of them; instead of purchasing separate SSL Certificates for each one of your referring Subdomains, buying a single Wildcard SSL Certificate for the whole of them will definitely be a much more practical and economical solution for you.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL -which can also be named as Corporate SSL, too- is the one that can be verified and used for a single Domain name. As you’ll immediately understand from its name; along with your Domain name, this certificate provides the whole of your organization to be verified and approved. In case that you decide you use this certificate -which is designed and created as the highest and preeminent security precaution in the Internet World- the address bar of your website will be in “green” colour, representing its corporate/brand/identity ownership and uniqueness. As the Extended Validation (EV) SSL will particularly provide the website of your firm/organization with a much more corporate image than the other SSL Certificates do, you’ll also be able to make a provision and take a very important precaution against probable identity/brand/copyrights/intellectual and industrial property rights etc. thefts or frauds.

The Organization Validation (OV) SSL is the type of SSL certificate that is assigned by the verification of a company/firm, in which the verification/approval process is realized with the requested legal/official documents of the referring company/firm. The OV SSL Certificate is used in web applications which require maximum levels of security and dependability; and it provides higher insurance/underwriting values.

Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificates can be obtained only by mercantile/commercial firms, companies or establishments. For the activation of the certificate; the documents such as commercial activity certificate, trademark registration certificate, trade registry gazette, electricity invoice etc. which officially prove the real existence of the referring commercial firm are requested by the authorities in charge.

The installation of an SSL Certificate differs in accordance with the internet platform which your website is preserved in, and also with the features of the hosting control panel that you currently use. But it is generally a short, simple and easy process.

No, it’s not necessary for you to buy (or previously have bought) any of your Hosting Services from us. But, if you prefer, you may buy the SSL Certificates for your already existing Domain(s) -which you’ve previously bought from another service supplier- from CLOUDSPEX.

Let us make the following recommendations on this important matter, please:

  • If you own a personal/private or a standart corporate website, you may prefer to purchase Quick Installation SSL Certificates,
  • If you have an e-commerce website or platform, you may choose to have the SSL Certificate options created for the efficient use of corporations or companies,
  • For your large-scale corporate and/or e-commerce websites and the protection of your Subdomains, you may prefer to buy the Wildcard SSL solutions.

The warranty that is provided by an SSL Certificate is the amount of money/reimbursement which the referring SSL Certificate promises and guarantees to pay you in case of an incorrect operation, a technical malfunction and/or a security breach/problem that can happen because of or basing upon the referring certificate itself. The warranty amounts vary due to the SSL varieties; and every SSL Certificate notifies its own warranty amount -that it promises and guarantees to pay- within the details and information of its products.

The process right after you confirm and approve the referring area in the body of the e-mail message sent to your Inbox approximately takes 10 minutes for you to complete. But for the SSL Certificates which require submitting of requested documents, the whole process may last from 1 to 30 days (let’s say, in a month at the latest).

Yes. SSL Certificates are compatible with all of the banks.

In order to install an SSL Certificate; first of all, you must own a Domain Account which has the SSL Support feature. If you haven’t bought your Domain service from CLOUDSPEX, we recommend you to get in contact with your current Domain supplier and ask them whether your service is appropriate for installing an SSL or not.

To be able buy the Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificates for companies and/or Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates for larger-scale corporations; yes, you have to submit some officially requested documents of your firm such as the commercial activity certificate, the trademark registration certificate, the trade registry gazette, the electricity invoice etc. But for the SSL Certificates other than these two, you don’t need to submit any documents in order to purchase them.

There isn’t a specific SSL Certificate that you have to buy most essentially for your Virtual POS Service. Thus, you may buy any SSL Certificate for it. But you may get the most correct information about this matter from your Virtual POS Service Provider(s) and the bank(s) which you work with; and prefer to purchase the most fitting and efficient SSL Certificate solution amongst and included in our affordable packages we present at your service.